Health Coaching Subscription (3 months)

Health Coaching Subscription (3 months)

Sale Price:$1,683.00 Original Price:$1,980.00
  • 36 sessions

  • Price per session = $46.75

  • 15% savings for buying in bulk

  • With this subscription you get 3 sessions per week that are each 60 minutes long and can be scheduled at three different locations:

    First location - Metroflex Gym

    Second location - Your Home

    Third location - Park/Beach

  • All packages come with nutritional guidance tips like calculating macros, proper fluid intake, and sleep duration suggestions.

  • You will also receive individualized stretching programs that will target your overactive muscles so your body works in complete symmetry.

  • BONUS: I will create a custom foam rolling workout that will hit your overactive muscles. Combine this with your stretching program for ultimate success.

  • Sessions must be used on a weekly basis and don’t carry over week to week.

  • All packages come with 24/7 contact via email (; or cell phone (303-918-1717) for quicker response times.

  • After your purchase you can schedule your sessions under scheduling in the calendar. The calendar is located in the directional doc.

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